second try at front end because of sandip #2

lakhia13 wants to merge 5 commits from fndev into main
Showing only changes of commit 1aa80a0f72 - Show all commits

48 Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
import streamlit as st
import time
from cookies_manager import EncryptedCookieManager
# This should be your unique encryption key, which should be kept secure.
cookie_manager = EncryptedCookieManager(
prefix="myapp_", # Define a prefix for the cookie to avoid conflicts
password="your_secure_cookie_password" # Replace with your secure password
# Initialize cookies
if not cookie_manager.ready():
def get_user_timestamp():
# Check if timestamp already exists in cookies
timestamp = cookie_manager.get("user_timestamp")
if timestamp:
st.write(f"Welcome back! Your session started at: {timestamp}")
return timestamp
# Generate a new timestamp in milliseconds
new_timestamp = str(int(time.time() * 1000))
cookie_manager.set("user_timestamp", new_timestamp, max_age=3600 * 24 * 7) # Store the timestamp for 7 days
st.write(f"New session started! Your timestamp is: {new_timestamp}")
return new_timestamp
# Chatbot function
def chatbot():
st.title("Chatbot with Timestamps in Cookies")
# Retrieve or create timestamp for the user
timestamp = get_user_timestamp()
# Display the chat prompt
user_input = st.text_input("You: ", "")
if user_input:
# Here, instead of querying Ollama, we simulate a chatbot response
st.write(f"**Bot:** You said '{user_input}' at {timestamp}")
# Main
if __name__ == "__main__":